Chest Claim

Chest Claim is a system used for both rewards and as a way for a town to remove player chests for players no longer residing there. Accessing chest claim then allows for the retreival of items and containers sent to it.

Sending Items

Sending containers to Chest Claim is simple, use the command /cc while staring at the container and it will be sent to the owner's chest claim. However, there are several conditions on it's use. A mayor or deputy-mayor is able to /cc any player container in their town, with the exception of their own containers. If a mayor or deputy-mayor is unavailable for more than 24 hours, and you are unable to retrieve your own chests from a town, staff members also have the ability to /cc a player's containers.

A successful use of /cc will show the message - “Successfully sent container to: (Player's name)” - confirming that it has been sent to that player's claim.

Retrieving Items Through the Menu

The process of retrieving items from Chest Claim is also simple. If you have anything in your claim, a message will appear upon logging in.

The command /claim will bring up an interactive menu of all items in your Chest Claim. *Selecting [Inv] will send all items in that claim slot to your inventory. If there are not enough slots in your inventory, the claim will be stopped.

*Selecting [Chest] will send all items in that claim slot to the chest you are currently looking at. If there are not enough slots in the chest, the claim will be stopped.

*Selecting a specific number, [1] [2] [3] …, will send that specific item to your inventory

*Each part of the interactive claim menu can be hovered over to show more info:

Retrieving Items with Commands

If you would rather avoid using the interactive menu and instead use commands, there are plenty of options to do just that. */claim - Opens the claim menu to see what you have if anything. */claim (#) - Claims entire slot into your inventory. */claim (#) chest - Claims entire slot in the chest you are looking at. */claim all - Claims all items in the claim to your inventory */claim all chest - Claims all items in the claim to the chest you are looking at.


*DO NOT send massive amounts of chests to your claim at once, as this can result in the loss of items.

*Staff are not a moving service, always ask your mayor first, but if they are inactive for 24 hours or more, you may ask for assistance.