~~NOTOC~~ ====== GoS Smithing ====== **Jobs with this skill:** [[jobs:blacksmith|Blacksmith]], [[jobs:inventor|Inventor]] Smithing receives experience for repairing and salvaging items. * diamond: 5000 * gold_ingot: 300 * iron_ingot: 2500 * leather: 1600 * stone: 1300 * string: 1800 * wood: 600 === Repair === There is a lot that goes into determing the amount of experience that you will receive for repairing an item. First is the amount that gets repaired with the material you used, That amount is multiplied by the material you used to repair. That amount is multiplied by the item that is being repaired, which is then multiplied by the amount of enchantments times the enchantment multiplier on the item. To repair an item, you will right click on an iron block anvil and it will ask you if you want to repair the item, if you right click again it will then repair the item. At level 200 Smithing you unlock Bonus Repair, which gives you extra durability for every repair you do and the amount of durability increases as you level up. When you first unlock the Smithing skill you will only be able to repair a limited amount of materials. Wood = unlocks at = 0 Stone = unlocks at = 0 Iron = unlocks at = 5 Gold = unlocks at = 5 Diamond = unlocks at = 50 leather = unlocks at = 0 string = unlocks at = 0 shears = unlocks at = 0 flint and steel = unlocks at = 0 === Repair Cost === ''Base Repair Cost = Min Mat QTY * Enchant Multiplier'' ''Base Repair Amount = Max Durability / Base Repair Cost'' ''Repair Bonus = Base Repair Amount * Smithing / 100'' ''Job Bonus = Base Repair Amount * (2.5 * Blacksmith Level / 100)'' ''Final Repair Cost = Base Repair Cost - Repair Bonus - Job Bonus'' ^ Item ^ Max Durability ^ Min Mat QTY ^ Enchant Multiplier ^ | DIAMOND_SWORD | 1561 | 2 | 4 | | DIAMOND_SHOVEL | 1561 | 2 | 3 | | DIAMOND_PICKAXE | 1561 | 4 | 4 | | DIAMOND_AXE | 1561 | 4 | 4 | | DIAMOND_HOE | 1561 | 2 | 5 | | DIAMOND_HELMET | 364 | 6 | 5 | | DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE | 529 | 10 | 5 | | DIAMOND_LEGGINGS | 496 | 8 | 5 | | DIAMOND_BOOTS | 430 | 5 | 5 | === Salvaging === Salvaging is unlocked at level 25 Smithing and can be used to salvage damaged items to gain some materials back. Super Salvaging is unlocked at level 250 Smithing and is used to salvage items with full durability.